Radio 208 1440khz Copenhagen

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Radio 208 1440khz Copenhagen

Post by radionortheast » Fri Apr 12, 2024 2:45 pm

I heard radio 208 from Copenhagen on the 8th :shock: , there was meant some kind of conditions around then, stuff going on with the ionosphere. I really ever hear fm signals from Denmark, its quite good going to hear an am station from there, i've found a good spot between the wardrobe and the door seems to null out the interference as 1440 seems quite bad for it :o 8-) I thought it might be energy am, they played the sex pistols it announced as 208 quite clear, there might people out there with better equipment who can receive it more regularly who also might be interested in the progressive rock output.

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Re: Radio 208 1440khz Copenhagen

Post by FMEnjoyer » Fri Apr 12, 2024 8:11 pm

I guess that was as night for the AM station from Denmark ?

On FM when there is VHF FM skip I mainly get French, Dutch or German, had Italy last year though. Whoever you hear first you tend to get more of the same as the summer goes on. There does seem to be some kind of annual trend that the country you hear first, it seems that that part of the atmosphere over Europe some how gets set up for the summer season, so you get the same country over and again. Have heard Danish Sporadic E once here in the south a few years ago. It is completely unpredictable and why it is called sporadic. Hot days can do well but it can pop up any time and run into the evenings up till 10pm and beyond. Now until end of summer though is the best time June being the peak time to hear Europeans on FM and presumably they hear us as well.

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Re: Radio 208 1440khz Copenhagen

Post by radionortheast » Sat Apr 13, 2024 9:21 am

I’ve heard german stations by tropo in the past they are quite rare, occassional we get strong enough tropo that dutch stations can be heard over the top of other stations, never the main fm transmitters. I’ve heard irish pirates like Klub fm been heard in other countries by sparodic e, also some London pirates, i’ve switched a transmitter on in the past during openings I think that power needed is a bit high, suppose their are that many high powered transmitters their likely to hear them more that a few watts..

Albert H
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Re: Radio 208 1440khz Copenhagen

Post by Albert H » Sun Apr 14, 2024 2:59 am

I've had 2m tropo contacts of many hundreds of miles. Some years ago, I was repairing a 4 Watt 2m handheld for a friend, and whilst testing it (just using its rubber helical aerial), I worked into Morocco from London!

A friend of mine beat that though - he talked 2m FM simplex with just 25 Watts from the West of Ireland to Newfoundland! Obviously, it was tropo ducting and the contact lasted just long enough to exchange callsigns and locations and talk about the freaky conditions....!
"Why is my rig humming?"
"Because it doesn't know the words!"

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