
Oh hello - you must be new. Introduce yourself to the radio world here!
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who u callin ne guy bruv
who u callin ne guy bruv
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Post by rigdoctor2022 » Sun Jan 16, 2022 8:17 pm

Hi All,

Been out of the game for quiet some time but and now getting up and running again,

I've been around in the scene since the Y2K pirates and who's locked days,

Glad to be accepted into the forum,

Rig Doctor

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proppa neck!
proppa neck!
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Location: Gran Canaria, Spain. One of the 7 islands off the N.W. coast of Africa.

Re: Hello

Post by BriansBrain » Mon Jan 17, 2022 2:06 pm

Welcome back to the scene :tup
Image The Most Unique English Speaking Radio Station in the Canaries... Possibly the World.

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