95.7 Belgian or Dutch on sat 17:57 uk time

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95.7 Belgian or Dutch on sat 17:57 uk time

Post by FMEnjoyer » Sat Dec 28, 2024 5:58 pm

lots of lift or e layer today
The dial is Glowing 88-108 , spin the wheel to light those Red LEDs , see signal needle rise.

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Re: 95.7 Belgian or Dutch on sat 17:57 uk time

Post by radionortheast » Sun Dec 29, 2024 9:26 am

Quite afew people were wanting to use the reciever, I got seaside fm strong on it, (no signal here was interesting) 101.3 german, someone tuned it to radio york for half an (no signal here on 101.3 when I tuned to it) later there was german on 90.6, seemed like everyone had gone out by that time left me to my own devices, play about with the controls, lucky it was just a computer interface, as I tend to break everything!. I could pick up some of the dutch legal dance stations after tea on my own receiver on 90.5, playing some new version of ultranate free, interference kicked in about 5:45 had to abandon it, didn’t want to hog the online.
Sometimes it can starling when your listening nothing much is there, thinking of putting your own fm, you look away, someone else has tuned to something get really loud waffle, :lol: their less of a problem, they scan through it very quickly looking for a pirate don’t find any go away again.
There was no sign of the pirate from norhants on 87.9 on the online reciever though, I do think they mute more of the backround noise 8-) it is also aimed in the wrong direction

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