This has been off air for the past two days, only came back after tea. On monday I coud hear a carrier there but not very strong, helping the reception of Tempo and driftfield. Yeserday no carrier was heard, I could hear a station playing chrismas music on the frequency, weak but there, drifting in and out before 3 o clock, sounded like some foreign talking, guess must of been a station from Holland, exciting though as only one other station was listed on 107.3 in the uk.
Hope everyone is ok with the storm, my sister lives in Leeds didn’t know there was one, here it has totally wrecked everything the bill will be likely £1,000’s to repair. I’ve managed to improve the reception on my off center dipole, currently the top part is 65cms, the bottom 70, a 20cm wire connected between both connections, with signal wire running down along the ground seems to improve the reception.