LDC Radio (Leeds) broadcasting in Mono on FM

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LDC Radio (Leeds) broadcasting in Mono on FM

Post by radionortheast » Mon Oct 14, 2024 8:42 am

Wondered if it was a technical fault, it has been like it for a few weeks, it is helping the reception it played naked in the rain, i’ve heard modern stuff, something from Becky Hill, it has a consistent feel than it used to, weather it will draw anyone over there away from Heart dance, Capital I don’t know, not sure what its like on an evening at weekends

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Re: LCD Radio mono on fm

Post by pirateaddict » Tue Oct 15, 2024 7:16 pm

It's a much better signal but it's a pity the music is still the same... Apparently there is talk of radfreq leeds returning on dab though! Keep them tabs flapping for more info!

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Re: LCD Radio mono on fm

Post by teckniqs » Wed Oct 16, 2024 3:21 pm

I was thinking this was just a thread about an FM radio with a Liquid Cystal Display until I decided to click on it and read it haha.

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Re: LCD Radio mono on fm

Post by Frequent Lee » Fri Oct 18, 2024 9:33 am

radionortheast wrote: Mon Oct 14, 2024 8:42 am Wondered if it was a technical fault, it has been like it for a few weeks, it is helping the reception it played naked in the rain, i’ve heard modern stuff, something from Becky Hill, it has a consistent feel than it used to, weather it will draw anyone over there away from Heart dance, Capital I don’t know, not sure what its like on an evening at weekends
There has been a lot of internal disagreement between the directors of LDC and half of the station has been bought by Danny Malin the rate my takeaway YouTube guy.

The audio processing computer at the transmitter location died and the FM was dead air for about 3 days. The guys who run the station have zero technical skills so they do not know how to configure breakaway one audio processing software and set up the rds and mpx stereo coder etc hence why the audio is flat and in mono now.

The station has turned into a generic commercial radio impersonation and they're desperately trying to pay the bills and bank loans they got to set the station up.

They're charging £20 a week for subs and nobody wants to line their pockets so they are struggling to recruit decent DJs.

The rota is now mostly ex local radio presenters who were sacked from Ridings FM, Viking, Stray FM etc when Bauer bought them out and turned them all into greatest hits radio.

The ex commercial director of The Pulse FM Bradford is now the LDC station manager and advertising sales manager.

The station is a joke now.

They're supposed to be a community station for Leeds but most of the content is sponsored by Barnsley and Wakefield and Bradford 🤣🤣🤣

It's a lottery if the show you want to listen to could be bothered to turn up and do their slot

Their club night at Victoria casino is a flop with embarrassing attendance and the LDC in Ibiza was a washout too hence why there is no video footage on the socials etc.

All they're interested in is making money and couldn't give a fuck about the djs or listeners.

They thought the Radio Frequency audience and djs would flock to them but the majority stayed loyal to Shock and wouldn't get involved knowing full well that they stabbed him in the back and chatted shit and basically stole the licence application that Frequency had prepared and just changed the name to LDC.

Even the station name is absolutely shit 🤣

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Re: LCD Radio mono on fm

Post by pirateaddict » Fri Oct 18, 2024 11:22 pm

Or8 frequent lee 👍 hope good! Yes,i listened to LDC when it came on but it wasn't anything anywhere near what frequency was for me..Ya were lucky to hear any jungle and then noticed that during the day it's like capital "not that i listen to crapitol 😖" and not for me... Been bobar on the dial since Freq went away! Just wondering Lee if you've heard owt about freq on dab?😉

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Re: LCD Radio mono on fm

Post by Frequent Lee » Sun Oct 20, 2024 2:16 am

pirateaddict wrote: Fri Oct 18, 2024 11:22 pm Or8 frequent lee 👍 hope good! Yes,i listened to LDC when it came on but it wasn't anything anywhere near what frequency was for me..Ya were lucky to hear any jungle and then noticed that during the day it's like capital "not that i listen to crapitol 😖" and not for me... Been bobar on the dial since Freq went away! Just wondering Lee if you've heard owt about freq on dab?😉
Discussions are happening at the moment with Fresh Leeds about combining both the stations together as Fresh already has the dsp licence granted, due to the owner of Fresh being extremely sick last year with a blood clot on his brain & almost dying he is still having rehabilitation with the hospital so to make things easier for all concerned it makes sense for him & Shock to work together like they used to in the pirate days sharing the workload and studios. In theory the timetable would be split up with each station having alternate daytime schedules and then alternative evenings so each of them gets a fair amount of peak time schedule slots.

They're stuck on what name is the best for the DAB station that's fair for everyone concerned.

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Re: LCD Radio mono on fm

Post by teckniqs » Sun Oct 20, 2024 2:37 pm

Are there still any pirates left in Leeds or around West Yorks? ....Last thing I heard there was only the one left People's (Choice) on 104.5 Leeds and nothing left in Bradford or Huddersfield?

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Re: LCD Radio mono on fm

Post by Frequent Lee » Sun Oct 20, 2024 4:56 pm

teckniqs wrote: Sun Oct 20, 2024 2:37 pm Are there still any pirates left in Leeds or around West Yorks? ....Last thing I heard there was only the one left People's (Choice) on 104.5 Leeds and nothing left in Bradford or Huddersfield?
No there are none, Peoples was the last of them and they ceased transmission at the back end of 2022 and there's been nothing else since. Shock was the engineer and rig supplier for the majority of stations in West Yorkshire so when he stopped involvement with pirate radio there was no one to obtain equipment and set up tx locations and so on.

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Re: LCD Radio mono on fm

Post by radionortheast » Wed Oct 23, 2024 10:27 am

Yes it was a geniune error I put LCD instead of LDC, the letters stand for Leeds dance community radio, there was also LDC sound system no link.
Offshore stations go on dab, Caroline and Laser, i’d like to see something like Fantasy fm sheffield, it won’t ever happen, it would be a good thing.
There is a station on Dab called Culture, plays reggae remixes of popular songs its upbeat, don’t know if its related with fresh, its quite good that stations can keep their names, there was a fresh radio in the dales, maybe a fresh kiss. Read a while ago a station with gold in its name had to change due to bauer or global :?

Its a shame LDC has gone down the route its gone down, not that theres anything wrong with Heart or Capital, when something has to be commercial you go away from the idea of it been something were someone is playing want they want, their having do that to pay the bills. I do think its sad that noone involved in pirate radio is involved in community radio on fm, apart from asian stations the odd arty one, its gone down the same route as local radio, unfortunately sounded just the same.
I do remember hearing 5 or 6 pirates on a weekend back only 10 years ago, I even made videos of them. I do remember after I moved in 2020 Fresh and Peoples were still on fm, think Peoples was around a year or two afterwards so its true what Frequent Lee is saying, I do think some stations in Huddersfield might of stayed on, I do think its due to declining listeners in fm too.

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Re: LDC Radio (Leeds) broadcasting in Mono on FM

Post by SD-E1102 » Wed Oct 23, 2024 10:38 am

Fixed for you.

Pirate Radio's not a problem, it's a solution

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Re: LCD Radio mono on fm

Post by Frequent Lee » Fri Oct 25, 2024 12:03 am

radionortheast wrote: Wed Oct 23, 2024 10:27 am .
There is a station on Dab called Culture, plays reggae remixes of popular songs its upbeat, don’t know if its related with fresh, its quite good that stations can keep their names, there was a fresh radio in the dales, maybe a fresh kiss.
Culture City Radio on the Leeds & Bradford small scale DAB is a resurrection of an old Bradford pirate from the 90s that was called Paradise City Radio 104.9. It is for Bradford being the city of culture 2025. A guy called Jerry Red Dread is behind it, he was an old DJ from PCR and is very well known on the Bradford black music scene. At the moment it's mostly just automated payout though.

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Re: LDC Radio (Leeds) broadcasting in Mono on FM

Post by radionortheast » Fri Oct 25, 2024 9:43 am

Thanks admin, I do have memories of listening to a station on 104.9 during a thunderstorm standing near a window listening to the crackles on it, it may of been the one, there was also Peoples did get them confused, i'd often be listening to Fantasy fm the other Sheffield pirates or Dream fm, been down a hill it was harder to pick up stations from Leeds/Bradford.

There was difinately a station called Paradise, on 105.1, i’m pretty sure it was around 1995, the hifi I had then was really good, it only came in weakly, can’t remember much about what it played, interesting it later became the frequency for Kiss from Emley moor. You could hear it over at macdonalds in guiseley it was as clear as sunrise radio on 103.2. Its interesting that another old radio station has gone on dab, I do wonder myself if fresh and frequency will beable to join up, they were different to each other. If you get a dsp licence you get listed on tunein, not that means much, think bauer/global want people to use their own apps. Sounds like Paradise is something were someone has picked out a few tunes to play, is a neat idea 8-) sounds expensive

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Re: LDC Radio (Leeds) broadcasting in Mono on FM

Post by Frequent Lee » Sat Oct 26, 2024 3:07 am

radionortheast wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2024 9:43 am Thanks admin, I do have memories of listening to a station on 104.9 during a thunderstorm standing near a window listening to the crackles on it, it may of been the one, there was also Peoples did get them confused, i'd often be listening to Fantasy fm the other Sheffield pirates or Dream fm, been down a hill it was harder to pick up stations from Leeds/Bradford.

There was difinately a station called Paradise, on 105.1, i’m pretty sure it was around 1995, the hifi I had then was really good, it only came in weakly, can’t remember much about what it played, interesting it later became the frequency for Kiss from Emley moor. You could hear it over at macdonalds in guiseley it was as clear as sunrise radio on 103.2. Its interesting that another old radio station has gone on dab, I do wonder myself if fresh and frequency will beable to join up, they were different to each other. If you get a dsp licence you get listed on tunein, not that means much, think bauer/global want people to use their own apps. Sounds like Paradise is something were someone has picked out a few tunes to play, is a neat idea 8-) sounds expensive
Paradise was on 105.1 in the mid 1990s from around 93 to 95 when Dream FM moved to 107.8 and it became an unused frequency. There were 4 decent stations from Bradford in that era, Paradise, Harmony FM 91.8, Rebel FM 106.5 & Emergency FM 99.9/100.1 along with 3 Asian ones, Asian Air 94.6, Asian Paradise Radio 105.5 & Radio Sangam which became Sunrise Radio after BCR (Bradford city radio) which was the first Radio Authority community station in Yorkshire failed so 103.2 was awarded to Sunrise instead. That was way before BCB 106.6 which is still on today albeit with a terrible sounding amateur mono transmission.

Leeds and Bradford desperately deserved to have a decent legal community station in the style of a pirate like Rinse FM or Flex in London has.

As usual greedy people who are only interested in money and have no clue about radio get the green light.

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Re: LDC Radio (Leeds) broadcasting in Mono on FM

Post by radionortheast » Mon Oct 28, 2024 10:06 am

I do remember Rebel fm, later on I moved to the top of hill, reception was about twice as good, I could hear all the Sheffield pirates, Joy fm, SCR, millennium on a poor horizontal folded dipole an installer had fitted, alot of time i’d use indoor aerials, I could listen to them downstairs on a pocket radio, not something i’ve ever had before. Do remember Rebel fm sounding quite good mono signal quite strong 106.8, it did play some interesting music, there was a song with someone dialing a phone sounded quite spooky, I do remember it moving to 107.6, the last I ever heard of it with weak signal. It was a good alternative to Big FM Sheffield, which was pretty much the last pirate I really heard from down there it had weaker signal than the others down there.

I do remember 93 or 94, Peoples fm been on 105.6, the same frequency as Fantasy fm, you could actually hear Fantasy coming over the top of it in parts of Temple Newsam, think you could also hear it up at Kirkstall. Really weirdly you could hear them all walking around the top of Sutton bank which was miles away, Dream would also come up there without a problem, often it wasn’t on during the day, sometimes they would come on earlier.
I do remember the retune message going out on 99.9, my parents were getting a bag of potatos, I was able to listen in the car, it made it interesting when they put a transmitter in York, it was a transmitter to tune to apposed to having minster fm, there were quite massive areas were I couldn’t hear anything, over at pickering/malton.
There was one called Power that came on after Rebel on 106.7, don’t think I ever listened to it from Bradford too, would come on at weekends and had a strong signal too. I did hear Dream fm come back once or twice on 107.5, afew years after it had been off air, sometimes heard some weak asian sounding pirate on this frequency too.

I don’t know why the sound quailty on bcb is so bad, there have been stations in mono, even on mw which have sounded good, with it sharing the same frequency as the east middles smooth it dose get wiped out alot of the time, it does seem to stay on air, i’ve heard long slicencs at Phoenix fm go on for days. 106.6 was quite a good frequency before smooth came on, pretty sure this was around 2003, it made it completely impossible to hear Energy 106, There was a pirate in Bradford on 107, only a few years ago, there was also Big Vibes fm Leeds, quite used to like. 106.6 was also an RSL frequency for a short time, I remember hearing Pudsey Grangefield and York university on the frequency.

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Re: LDC Radio (Leeds) broadcasting in Mono on FM

Post by teckniqs » Tue Oct 29, 2024 9:20 am

Smooth 106.6 started in 2006. I remember it well because I could receive it all the way down in Trowbridge in Wiltshire when it first came on Test Transmissions under the name Saga FM.

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Re: LDC Radio (Leeds) broadcasting in Mono on FM

Post by radionortheast » Wed Nov 13, 2024 9:55 am

Sorry I was meaning Saga, that was the station before Smooth, put through the same transmitter, they do sound similar thought https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saga_106.6_FM it does say it had music playing from the 1940's I never heard anything like that myself, I suppose older music is less commercially viable, they eventually drop it, think the 60's is about as old as it gets on bauer/global stations.

I wish it would of been on 106.8, would of kept 106.6 clear for longer, I was amazed that Energy was left alone for so long, I think it only got closed due to another kiss station causing interference down the boarder, adverts were from across the boarder northern Ireland, so it got left alone, all they could do was cut the electricity supply. I had problems when Ridings fm came on air, my radio couldn't separate the signals on 106.6 and 106.8, alot of radios in the time couldn’t separate a weak station 200khz away from a strong signal, it took ages badgering my dad to get a hifi tuner than had narrow if’s in, he didn’t know what they were. :? this went on for along time. :cry: The guy on ridings went on to set up vixen 101, community station in market weighton, some of the presenters from ridings may of been on LDC, its all connected!, (maybe I just read the same page on wiki as frequent lee) I suppose things come full circle, presenters from minster, ended up on Y01 radio, more variety of music than bauer/global, sounds like the same as local radio again boring, it is a sad situation, we end up with radio boring.

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Re: LDC Radio (Leeds) broadcasting in Mono on FM

Post by Frequent Lee » Tue Nov 19, 2024 1:17 am

radionortheast wrote: Wed Nov 13, 2024 9:55 am The guy on ridings went on to set up vixen 101, community station in market weighton, some of the presenters from ridings may of been on LDC, its all connected!, (maybe I just read the same page on wiki as frequent lee) I suppose things come full circle, presenters from minster, ended up on Y01 radio, more variety of music than bauer/global, sounds like the same as local radio again boring, it is a sad situation, we end up with radio boring.
The LDC breakfast is presented by Wes Stokes and Leanne Dundas who used to be on Ridings FM.

LDC is now basically a replacement for Aire FM and sounds like a typical pop music station with the majority of daytime shows presented by ex ilr djs or pre recorded and voice tracked rubbish syndicated to them and other stations by bedroom freelance presenters such as Alex Duffy.

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Re: LDC Radio (Leeds) broadcasting in Mono on FM

Post by radionortheast » Tue Nov 19, 2024 2:44 pm

The rds is working on it now, i'm going to tune out now whats playing isn't my cup of tea, its often tuned to it on online tuners I listen to, I suppose someone might like it. It was odd how all the studios got merged together of ridings, trax and kc they were trying to keep them going, a local station with its studios else were, confusing. They also all shared the same colour logo, you can imagine they do the samething that worked in one area. I mean no disrespect to ridings the local stations/ILRs, they did spoil my reception I suppose not intentionally, they were doing what worked at the time, provided a few people with jobs for a time, but not the most exciting thing.

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Re: LDC Radio (Leeds) broadcasting in Mono on FM

Post by pirateaddict » Tue Nov 19, 2024 3:47 pm

@radionortheast. Yeah,that pirate from Bradford a few years ago was PCR..I got it solid here in Sheffield and it sounded excellent just like SCR used to sound..I do have a tape of it somewhere 👍

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Re: LDC Radio (Leeds) broadcasting in Mono on FM

Post by radionortheast » Sat Nov 23, 2024 9:21 am

pirateaddict wrote: Tue Nov 19, 2024 3:47 pm @radionortheast. Yeah,that pirate from Bradford a few years ago was PCR..I got it solid here in Sheffield and it sounded excellent just like SCR used to sound..I do have a tape of it somewhere 👍
Hi i’ve been reading the forums theres often no new posts, it looks like the last pirate you picked up well was inovate on 87.9, remember this been there for a short time, i’m sure the autoseek tuning was locking onto it on our car radio not far from the Selby bypass, which was odd!. It does seem a lot of stations in London would get their transmitters stolen by someone, seems like maybe what happened with it. I was also interested by the citybeats station thats not one I heard here, I suspect it was people from outside of the area it was bad choice of frequency for both.
I think read some were that theres some hills in Sheffield were you can see York minster, Lincoln Cathedral, I was getting ury university of York station well, not a pirate before it started raining, it is meant to be only 1w, i’m sure I also heard it the other day on the Wakefield receiver too, I think it would get heard in Sheffield but likely you would get radio 2 on 88.3 instead. 8-)

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