Energy was never live from Alien mountain
It was always 2 x studio VHS machines. When 1 came to the end it would rewind then start either the second machine or in later years just restart itself
The sites only communication to the outside world was an ADSL line run along a fence from a nearby farm. This gave Magic 105 a method of uploading VT links in to Raduga via a complex system that auto unzipped files and put them in to the playout system at predefined locations
From around 2003, the owner of Magic 105 installed a satellite broadband system that gave the ability to break out of automation and stream live shows
When Galaxy began from the site a microwave link was installed from a pub just over the border that had ADSL and all of the Galaxy playout came from the Galaxy studio as apposed to a PC at the site
Energy however never used any of these technologies and was always video tapes with the exception of the odd live show from LJ actualy sitting at the TX site