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80's Paris Pirate Radio Article

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 10:01 pm
by sde-1104

Excuse the link - I found it on Google :whistle

PARIS — France's battle of the airwaves continues. While President Valery Giscard d'Estaing resolutely persists in his attempts to keep independent broadcasting media outlawed, pirate radio stations throughout the country are equally determined to defy the ban.

In a warning to scores of pirate outfits illegally broadcasting anything from ecological messages to hard rock-and-roll, the French Ministry of Justice last week ordered raids against three of France's most popular independent stations. One of the swoops, launched against Radio Quinquin, a workers' public-service station operated by the Confederation Generale du Travail (CGT) communist trade union, particularly shocked Frenchmen because of the harsh manner in which it was carried out.

More befitting to a wartime raid than a peacetime judicial operation, 12 companies of helmeted riot police descended on the small town of Auby in northern France shortly after dawn on June 4. Roads were blocked, while telephone and electricity lines were cut.

Brusquely shoving aside a small handful of protesting radio supporters, the authorities, citing a 1978 parliamentary decree reinforcing state monopoly of the broadcasting media, broke down the barred doors of the station and began carrying off its transmitting equipment. Outside, police ordered workmen to dismantle a powerful antenna.

Similarly, in the French capital, police carted away turntables, transmitters , microphones, and cables from another highly successful pirate station, Radio Paris 80. And in Nancy, riot police clashed with demonstrators before silencing Radio Lorraine-Coeur d'Acier (radio heart of steel), like Radio Quinquin, a CGT station.

Whereas the two communist stations said they would come back on the air as soon as new equipment could be installed, Radio Paris 80 began rebroadcasting the same afternoon with a hurriedly assembled transmitter and antenna. "We knew this would happen sometime," said a station operator, "so we kept three different [transmitting] sets on hand." To transmit to a city the size of Paris, pirate broadcasters say they can set up shop with as little as $2,000 worth of equipment.

- Read the rest on the link above :tup

Re: 80's Paris Pirate Radio Article

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 10:02 pm
by sde-1104

Re: 80's Paris Pirate Radio Article

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 10:04 pm
by sde-1104