Hello To All Members... New Enthusiast Here

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Hello To All Members... New Enthusiast Here

Post by squonk789 » Fri Jun 05, 2020 2:30 pm


I thought i'd introduce myself.

I really enjoy reading the informative posts and information regarding fm transmission, for which i have a passion. :D

I currently have a NRG PLL Pro 3 1-4 watt unit which i have had for some years , although i'm having problems getting more than 1w output from the thing. The 2sc1947 heatsink gets very hot almost so much that you cannot touch the heatsink and the pcb is scorched around TR8.

I have very limited knowledge regarding fm kit as i'm a bit of an amateur when it come to the broadcast side of radio.

Hope i will pickup lots of tips and information regarding radio as i have always had a passion for it since i was very young.

Greetings !

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Re: Hello To All Members... New Enthusiast Here

Post by BriansBrain » Sat Jun 06, 2020 12:10 pm

. . . . :wcome . . . .

From Gran Canaria :tup

I would put your question in Anorak Corner which is were all the technical stuff goes :whistle
More people will see it ;)

Image The Most Unique English Speaking Radio Station in the Canaries... Possibly the World.

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