Radio Radar amazing station

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Radio Radar amazing station

Post by radionortheast » Fri Jun 30, 2023 6:32 pm

I listened to this just lately, I wasn’t aware stations like this existed in Leeds or in any of the cities nearby, it sounds abit like a licenced station, abit commercial, i’ve only heard stations like Peoples, Fresh, Dream fm, the stations the guy connected with Dream would set up, I like this station sounds refreshing, kind of cool. I know there were stations in London in the 80’s, were more commercial they went on to become licenced like Jackie, at the sametime there was alteration to the wireless telegraphy act in 1988, which I suppose made it harder to operate professionally.
There is some interesting techical talk on the station, he seems to be talking about how he could use satellites I don’t understand it myself, to send it round the world, the music is alot of pop, some more abscure songs, songs you’d not normally hear, he played some song by hot chocolate put your love in me that i’ve never heard before.
The style of presenting is quite professional, the music often upbeat, I wish there was something like it now

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